Design bathrooms after the covid 19 emergency

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 epidemic has revealed all the weaknesses of people’s frequent contact places, regarding the spread of viruses and bacteria; this leads us to an important consideration on the use of spaces in our homes and in high-attendance locations.

Goman, as Italian manufacturers of bathroom safety accessories, was wondering how the design approach of the bathroom rooms may change in the future, especially in those places which have been highlighted by a higher risk of spreading the virus, such as hospitals, residential care homes, but also restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, dance halls…

Firstly, hospitals and residential care homes will have to be studied and designed to become versatile structures, as they may welcome different types of patients, both infected and non-infected; this is why we have to foresee, since the design process, the possibility of splitting the structure into separate sections.

On the other hand, regarding the high-dating extra-hospital facilities, we will need to pay the proper attention to hygiene and people’s social separation, including the creation of adequate spaces for the visitors’ acceptance, and appropriate measures for an assiduous sanitization of bathing environments.

Come progetteremo i bagni dopo l'emergenza coronavirus

Precisely for this reason, Goman S.r.l. has always offered the anti-bacterial coating Bio-Goman, which suits almost all of our products: this treatment inhibits the development of micro-organisms through the action of silver ions that counteract their growth, thereby increasing safety and hygiene for the users.

In addition, Goman makes available to its customers a highly prepared team that assists designers and architects which may need an adequate support for the selection of the most suitable components, the correct placement of articles, according to the type of bathroom, its usage and context.

Come progetteremo i bagni dopo l'emergenza coronavirus

Moreover, during the design of a public bathroom, the feature of adaptability is fundamental due to the fact that there is not a “standard of disability”, and that’s why each user will necessarily have different needs. In this way, Goman provides design and safety assistance for the bathroom: a complete 2D and 3D library of all products is available for the consumers, items that compose the hygiene areas in respect not only of the laws, but also of the customers’ needs; in this way designers and architects can have the necessary material for the virtual construction of the project.

Ultimately, we are looking forward to paying greater attention in the design of public areas, especially hospitals and residential care homes, in order to minimize the risk of new pandemic forms for which our globalized society will have to keep an eye on in the future.

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